Timo Jarvinen is without doubt one of the best photographers in the world of surfing. We are pleased to see it in action at the Quiksilver Pro France championship this year 2011. His images are striking, through their incredible journeys and special moments. Here are our portrait gift, wish him well for this next year coming y. ..Merry Christmas!, From surfastur. IS OFFICIALLY INVITED TO PUBLISH Where appropriate NEWBORN IN OUR ONLINE MAGAZINE SURFASTUR.Timo Jarvinen is without doubt one of the best photographers in the world of surfing. We are pleased to see it in action at the Quiksilver Pro France championship this year 2011. His images are striking, through their incredible journeys and special moments. Here are our portrait gift wish him well for this next year coming y. ..Merry Christmas!, From surfastur. IS OFFICIALLY INVITED TO PUBLISH Where appropriate NEWBORN IN OUR ONLINE MAGAZINE SURFASTUR. Timo jarvinen es, sin duda alguna, uno de los mejores fotógrafos del mundo del surf. Tuvimos es placer de verlo en acción en el campeonato Quiksilver Pro de Francia este año 2011. Sus imágenes son impactantes, a través de sus increibles viajes y momentos especiales. Aqui tiene nuestro retrato regalo, le deseamos lo mejor para este próximo año que viene y... ¡Feliz Navidad!, desde surfastur. QUEDA OFICIALMENTE INVITADO A PUBLICAR CUANDO LO ESTIME OPORTUNO EN NUESTRA RECIEN NACIDA REVISTA DE SURFASTUR ONLINE.